28 may 2013

Black, ugly birds.

I need you, as I need a stone, to get stoned.
And breath, and breath and breath.
Don´t let me go, like the light did,
don´t make me cry, like she did.
I have no heaven, I have no soul,
I need no happiness, just you.

Large windows as eyes,
close doors as arms,
shit sky as head.
And birds,
Black ugly birds.

Large streets, close fingers, crazy women.
Dear madness, dear God.
I hate you,
I hate you so much.

24 may 2013

"Amenázame, o llámame" para Carlo Marx.

No me salieron las palabras,
a la primera,
ni a la segunda,
y creo que hubo tercera.

Su mejor ropa, su piel
brillante de lujuria y sed.

Por noches en techo sin ropa,
hasta que me escueza,
hasta que me escueza.