29 jun 2016

Digging a kiss for your's.

I listen to your lungs' music,
as if it were heaven's sound,
hopeful echo for my soul,
a secret between you and I.

While I stare at your eyes,
I found who I am indeed.
While you stare at mine,
there is no need of breathing.

Even the ravens know I am right.
Do you hear them singing for me?
Or is it for you?
I hope when day we will be a single song.

If I hurt myself doing it,
when there is no need for doing so,
please stop me just kissing me.
Please don't let me destroy this.

While stopping me is a good option,
letting me is even better.
Because if I want to suffer like that,
I will, always, I will.

Because I enjoy falling again and again.

If it is where you stand.

If it is by your side.

Aleks Ginsberg "At some point"

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